Thanks to everyone involved with helping this site come to fruition whether you sent content, pictures, posters, personal memorabilia or contributed your time and ideas. It has definitely been a journey through memory lane. Thanks to all who contributed.
A very special thanks to Chris Schoon for his insight in writing the BBW story and the artistic endeavors. You're awesome.
A mountain of thanks to all the songwriters who all got onboard.....quite a prolific bunch...
Thanks to Ray for jumping in and giving encouragement right from the start.
And of course special recognition to every single musician who ever sang or played a note in Blackberry Winter
Special thanks to Bob Codr for his time and memories.
Thank you Kent Pomeroy for the legal guidance and assistance.
Thanks to "The Captain": Michael Ostebuhr for his time and input.
Thanks to John at Penguin Recording for all the tape transfers.
Thanks to Westbrook for the album and all the mixes.
Thanks to all the songwriters who just kept churning it out.
A special thank you to Steve Jacobi for keeping the fire burning.
A special shout out to: Robin, Jane, Jerome, Billy, Elmer, Joshua, Bernadette, James, Sherona, Jesse and Rapunzel for all the website technical assistance.